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- /*
- $VER: LhADir.dopus 1.8 (24.7.94)
- Copyright © 1993-1994 by EAV Productions International
- Placed in the public domain. No restrictions on distribution or usage.
- LhADir.dopus is an ARexx script for Directory Opus that allows you to show
- the contents of LhA archives in a DOpus window and operate on the files and
- directories inside an archive as if it was a normal directory.
- Possible arguments (not case sensitive) for LhADir.dopus:
- */
- signal on syntax /* intercept syntax errors */
- options results /* need results */
- options failat 21 /* external commands are allowed return code 20 */
- numeric digits 10 /* needed for convertdate routine */
- lf='a'x /* ascii code for linefeed */
- parse arg command portname . '"' selected '"'
- upper command
- if portname~=='' then
- address(portname)
- else
- portname=address()
- parse var portname '.' port /* port number */
- busy on /* busy mouse pointer on */
- status 3 /* get active window */
- win=result
- status 9 win /* get number of selected entries */
- entries=result
- checkabort /* reset abort flag */
- call checkconfig
- call checklhadir(win)
- if selected~=='' then do
- filetype=-1
- entries=1
- end
- else
- if entries>0 then
- call getnextone
- topline=""
- listlha=0
- notmove=command~='MOVE'
- interpret 'call do'command
- else do
- n=entries
- async=pos('|'command'|','|READ|ANSIREAD|HEXREAD|')>0
- internal=async|pos('|'command'|','|SHOW|PLAY|LOOPPLAY|PRINT|ICONINFO|RUN|')>0
- if entries=0|async|(internal&~(lhadir&entries>0))|command='VERSION' then
- n=1
- thisfile=''
- do i=1 to n
- checkabort
- if result then
- call quitit "Aborted..."
- if entries>0 then
- if lhadir then do
- if filetype>0 then
- call quitit "Error, cannot view directories."
- address command 'LhA e -q -x2 -Qo "'patch(lhafile)'" T: "'patch(lhasubdir||selected)'"'
- if rc>0 then
- call quitit "Error while extracting file."
- thisfile='"T:'selected'"'
- end
- else
- if ~internal then
- thisfile='"'selected'"'
- if internal then do
- interpret '"'command '"'thisfile'""'
- abort=result~=0
- end
- else do
- if ~lhadir&entries>0 then
- thisfile='"'winpath||selected'"'
- query screenname
- if result=0 then
- screenname=portname /* for compatibility */
- else
- screenname=result
- select /* external commands */
- when command='VERSION' then
- call version
- when command='UNDMS' then
- call undms
- when command='MULTIVIEW' then
- address command 'MultiView' thisfile 'PUBSCREEN' screenname
- when command='AMIGAGUIDE' then
- address command 'AmigaGuide' thisfile 'PUBSCREEN' screenname
- when command='VIEWTEK' then
- address command 'Work:OtherTools/VT >NIL:' thisfile
- when command='RETINADISPLAY' then
- address command 'Work:Retina/RetinaTools/RetinaDisplay' thisfile
- otherwise
- call quitit "Error, LhADir.dopus does not support the command '"command"'."
- end
- abort=0
- end
- busy on
- if lhadir&entries>0 then do
- if async then do
- if ~show('l','rexxsupport.library') then
- call addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30) /* needed for delay() */
- call delay(75) /* wait a bit before deleting */
- end
- delete '"T:'selected'"'
- busy on
- end
- if thisfile~=='' then do
- selectfile '"'selected'" 0 1' /* deselect item */
- if topline=="" then
- topline="OK"
- end
- if abort then
- call quitit
- if i<n then
- call getnextone
- end
- end
- call quitit topline /* finished */
- dobrowse:
- dogetdir:
- if entries>0 then
- if filetype>0 then /* list a new dir */
- if lhadir then
- lhasubdir=lhasubdir||selected'/'
- else
- winpath=winpath||selected'/'
- else do /* list an archive file */
- if pos('|'upper(right(selected,4)'|'),'|.LHA|.LZH|.RUN|')=0 then
- call quitit "Error, LhADir.dopus can only list LhA archives."
- if lhadir then do
- request "This is an archive in an archive."lf"Extract it to 'T:' and then list it?"
- uset=result
- if uset then
- destpath='T:'
- else do
- busy on
- status 13 1-win /* get window path */
- destpath=result
- if result=='' then
- call quitit "Aborted..."
- request "Use the current destination window"lf"'"destpath"' instead?"
- if ~result then
- call quitit "Aborted..."
- end
- busy on
- toptext "Extracting from archive..."
- address command 'LhA e -q -x2 -a -C0 -Qo "'patch(lhafile)'" "'destpath'" "'patch(lhasubdir||selected)'"'
- if rc>0 then
- call quitit "Error while extracting from archive."
- if ~uset&command='GETDIR' then
- rescan 1-win
- lhafile=destpath||selected
- end
- else
- lhafile=winpath||selected
- lhadir=1
- lhasubdir=''
- listlha=1
- end
- else /* rescan current dir */
- if lhadir then do
- status 6 win /* get number of entries */
- listlha=result>0
- end
- if command='BROWSE' then do
- selectfile '"'selected'" 0 1'
- call swapactive
- end
- if lhadir then do
- call showlhadir
- topline="OK"
- end
- else
- status 13 win set '"'winpath'"'
- return
- doparent:
- if lhadir&lhasubdir~=='' then do
- cuthere=lastpos('/',lhasubdir,length(lhasubdir)-1)
- lhasubdir=left(lhasubdir,cuthere)
- call showlhadir
- topline="OK"
- end
- else
- parent
- return
- doroot:
- if lhadir then do
- cuthere=lastpos('/',lhafile,length(lhafile)-1)
- if cuthere=0 then
- cuthere=lastpos(':',lhafile)
- status 13 win set '"'left(lhafile,cuthere)'"'
- end
- else
- root
- return
- dodelete:
- if lhadir then do
- if entries=0 then
- call quitit
- if notmove then do
- if askdelete then do
- status 26 set "Delete"
- request "Do you really wish to delete selected entries"lf"from archive?"
- if ~result then
- call quitit "Aborted..."
- busy on
- end
- call getall
- end
- call open('actionfile','T:actionfile'port,'w')
- do i=1 to entries
- if type.i>0 then
- wild='/#?'
- else
- wild=''
- call writeln('actionfile','"'patch(lhasubdir||name.i)||wild'"')
- removefile '"'name.i'" 0'
- end
- call close('actionfile')
- toptext "Deleting from archive..."
- address command 'LhA d -q -Qp -Qo "'patch(lhafile)'" @T:actionfile'port
- if rc>0 then do
- topline="Error while deleting from archive."
- listlha=1
- call showlhadir
- end
- else do
- topline="OK"
- displaydir
- end
- delete 'T:actionfile'port
- delete 'T:LhADir.list'port /* archive contents has changed */
- busy on
- end
- else do
- if notmove then
- restore
- delete
- end
- return
- domove:
- docopy:
- if entries=0 then
- call quitit
- problem=0
- source=winpath
- s_lhadir=lhadir
- s_lhafile=lhafile
- s_lhasubdir=lhasubdir
- call checklhadir(1-win)
- if s_lhadir then do
- if winpath=='' then do
- errortext="No destination directory selected!"
- toptext errortext
- notify errortext
- call quitit
- end
- if lhadir then
- winpath='T:LhADir'port'/'lhasubdir
- call getall
- call lhaextract
- if lhadir then do
- source=winpath
- call lhaadd
- end
- else
- if problem then
- rescan 1-win
- else do
- do i=1 to entries
- fileinfo '"'name.i'" /'
- info.i=result
- end
- call swapactive
- do i=1 to entries
- parse var info.i name '/' size '/' '/' type '/' '/' days '/' seconds '/' comment '/' atts '/'
- if type>0 then
- size=0
- addfile '"'name'"' size type seconds+days*86400 '"'comment'"' atts '0 0'
- end
- displaydir
- call swapactive
- end
- end
- else
- if lhadir then do
- call getall
- call lhaadd
- end
- else do /* normal copy/move */
- restore
- if notmove then
- copy
- else
- move
- end
- if (s_lhadir|lhadir)&~notmove&~problem then do
- lhadir=s_lhadir
- lhafile=s_lhafile
- lhasubdir=s_lhasubdir
- checkabort
- if result then
- call quitit "Aborted..."
- call dodelete
- end
- return
- domakedir:
- getstring '"Enter directory name or archive name.lha"'
- dirtomake=result
- if rc|dirtomake=='' then
- call quitit
- now=date('i')*86400+time('s')
- if lhadir then do /* create empty dir in archive */
- call createdirs dirtomake'/'
- address command 'LhA a -q -e -r -Qo "'patch(lhafile)'" T:LhADir'port'/' '"'patch(lhasubdir||dirtomake)'"'
- if rc>0 then
- topline="Error while adding to archive."
- else do
- topline="Directory created."
- addfile '"'dirtomake'" 0 1' now '"" ----RWED 0 1'
- end
- delete 'T:LhADir'port
- delete 'T:LhADir.list'port
- busy on
- end
- else do
- if upper(right(dirtomake,4))=='.LHA' then /* create new archive */
- if open('emptyarchive',winpath||dirtomake,'w') then do
- call writech('emptyarchive','0'x)
- call close('emptyarchive')
- topline="Empty archive created."
- addfile '"'dirtomake'" 1 -1' now '"" ----RWED 0 1'
- end
- else
- topline="Error creating archive."
- else do /* normal makedir */
- restore
- makedir '"'dirtomake'"'
- end
- end
- return
- dogetsizes:
- if lhadir then do
- status 6 win /* get total number of entries */
- all=result
- status 8 win /* get number of dirs selected */
- seldirs=result
- n=1
- do i=1 to all
- getentry i
- dirname.n=result
- fileinfo '"'result'" /'
- parse var result '/' filesize '/' '/' type '/' select '/'
- if type>0&select&filesize=0 then
- n=n+1
- end
- dirsize.=0
- dirsecs.=0
- ndirs=n-1
- call readlist(0)
- end
- getsizes
- return
- version:
- if entries=0 then
- thisfile='REXX:LhADir.dopus'
- toptext "Searching for version string..."
- address command 'Version >T:Version.temp' thisfile 'FILE FULL'
- call open('tempfile','T:Version.temp','r')
- topline=readln('tempfile')
- call close ('tempfile')
- delete 'T:Version.temp'
- return
- undms:
- if entries=0|upper(right(selected,4))~=='.DMS' then
- call quitit "No DMS file selected."
- drive.1='DF0:'
- drive.0='RAD:'
- status 26 set drive.1
- status 27 set drive.0
- toptext thisfile
- request "Please insert disk and select"lf"destination drive for DMS file"
- dest=result
- busy on
- checkabort
- if result then
- call quitit "Aborted..."
- address command 'Run >NIL: <NIL: DMS <NIL: >PIPE:dmsout WRITE' thisfile 'TO' drive.dest 'NOTEXT'
- address command 'Status >T:ProcessNo COMMAND=DMS'
- call open('temp','T:ProcessNo','r')
- process=readln('temp')
- close('temp')
- delete 'T:ProcessNo'
- busy on
- nomess=1
- errors=''
- buffer=''
- call open('dmsout','PIPE:dmsout','r')
- do until eof('dmsout')
- buffer=buffer||readch('dmsout',25)
- here=verify(buffer,'a0d'x,'m')
- if here>0 then do
- line=left(buffer,here-1)
- if nomess&left(line,7)=='No Disk' then do
- toptext "Insert disk in" drive.dest
- nomess=0
- end
- parse var line ' ' line
- buffer=substr(buffer,here+1)
- if pos('ERROR',upper(line))>0 then do
- errors=errors||lf||line
- beep
- busy on
- end
- if left(line,9)=='unPacking' then do
- toptext selected '-' line
- checkabort
- if result then do
- address command 'Break' process 'C'
- topline="Aborted..."
- end
- end
- end
- end
- call close('dmsout')
- if errors~=='' then do
- toptext thisfile
- notify "Error Report"||lf||errors
- end
- return
- checklhadir:
- arg checkwin
- status 13 checkwin /* get window path */
- winpath=result
- test=upper(winpath)
- cuthere=pos('.LHA/',test)
- if cuthere=0 then
- cuthere=pos('.LZH/',test)
- if cuthere=0 then
- cuthere=pos('.RUN/',test)
- lhadir=cuthere>0
- if lhadir then do
- lhafile=left(winpath,cuthere+3)
- lhasubdir=substr(winpath,cuthere+5)
- end
- return
- lhaextract:
- status 8 win /* get number of dirs selected */
- anydirs=result>0
- mustmove=anydirs&s_lhasubdir~==''
- if mustmove then
- destpath=winpath'LhADir'port'/'
- else
- destpath=winpath
- call open('actionfile','T:actionfile'port,'w')
- do i=1 to entries
- if type.i>0 then
- wild='/#?'
- else
- wild=''
- call writeln('actionfile','"'patch(s_lhasubdir||name.i)||wild'"')
- end
- call close('actionfile')
- if anydirs then
- lhacmd='x'
- else
- lhacmd='e -x2'
- toptext "Extracting from archive..."
- address command 'LhA' lhacmd '-q -a -C0 -Qo "'patch(s_lhafile)'" "'destpath'" @T:actionfile'port
- problem=rc>0
- if problem then
- topline="Error while extracting from archive."
- else do
- topline="OK"
- if notmove then
- none
- end
- if mustmove then do
- do i=1 to entries
- move '"'winpath'LhADir'port'/'s_lhasubdir||name.i'" "'winpath'"'
- end
- delete '"'winpath'LhADir'port'"'
- end
- delete 'T:actionfile'port
- busy on
- return
- lhaadd:
- mustcopy=upper(right(source,length(lhasubdir)))~==upper(lhasubdir)
- if mustcopy then do /* all files must be copied to T: before they can be added */
- homedir='T:LhADir'port'/'
- call createdirs
- end
- else
- homedir=left(source,length(source)-length(lhasubdir))
- call open('actionfile','T:actionfile'port,'w')
- call writeln('actionfile','"'patch(homedir)'"')
- if s_lhadir then
- call writeln('actionfile','#?')
- else do
- do i=1 to entries
- call writeln('actionfile','"'patch(lhasubdir||name.i)'"')
- if mustcopy then do
- copy '"'source||name.i'" "T:LhADir'port'/'lhasubdir'"'
- busy on
- end
- end
- end
- call close('actionfile')
- if pos('.LZH/',test)>0 then
- method='-0'
- else
- method=''
- toptext "Adding to archive..."
- address command 'LhA r' method '-q -e -r -Qo "'patch(lhafile)'" @T:actionfile'port
- problem=rc>0
- if problem then
- topline="Error while adding to archive."
- else do
- topline="OK"
- if notmove then
- none
- end
- delete 'T:actionfile'port
- if mustcopy|s_lhadir then
- delete 'T:LhADir'port
- busy on
- call swapactive
- listlha=1
- call showlhadir
- call swapactive
- return
- lhalist:
- address command 'LhA >T:LhADir.list'port 'vv -N -Qw -Qo "'lhafile'"'
- if rc>0 then do
- setwintitle '"<Directory not available>"'
- call quitit "Error while listing archive."
- end
- return
- getnextone:
- getnextselected
- selected=result
- if follow then
- scrolltoshow '"'selected'"'
- fileinfo '"'selected'" /'
- parse var result '/' '/' '/' filetype '/'
- return
- getall:
- status 6 win /* get total number of entries */
- all=result
- n=1
- do i=1 to all
- getentry i
- name.n=result
- fileinfo '"'result'" /'
- parse var result '/' '/' '/' type.n '/' select '/'
- if select then
- n=n+1
- if n>entries then
- leave
- end
- return
- createdirs:
- parse arg subdir
- dirstocreate='T:LhADir'port'/'lhasubdir||subdir
- here=0
- do forever
- here=pos('/',dirstocreate,here+1)
- if here=0 then
- leave
- makedir '"'left(dirstocreate,here-1)'"'
- end
- busy on
- return
- swapactive:
- otherwindow
- win=1-win
- return
- showlhadir:
- status 13 win set '"'lhafile'/'lhasubdir'"'
- toptext "Listing archive..." /* toptext obscures error message */
- setwintitle '"LhADir listed archive"'
- now=date('i')*86400+time('s')
- ndirs=0
- call readlist(1)
- return
- readlist:
- arg show /* showdir or getsizes? */
- if listlha|~exists('T:LhADir.list'port) then
- call lhalist
- call open('tempfile','T:LhADir.list'port,'r')
- nextline=readln('tempfile')
- parse var nextline 21 whicharc "':"
- if upper(whicharc)~==upper(lhafile) then do /* it's another archive's list */
- call close('tempfile')
- call lhalist
- call open('tempfile','T:LhADir.list'port,'r')
- call readln('tempfile')
- end
- do 2
- call readln('tempfile') /* waste these 2 lines */
- end
- compstr=upper(lhasubdir)
- complen=length(compstr)
- nextline=readln('tempfile')
- do forever
- name=nextline
- infoline=readln('tempfile')
- do while pos('% ',infoline)<22
- name=infoline
- infoline=readln('tempfile')
- end
- if name=='-------- ------- ----- --------- --------' then
- leave
- nextline=readln('tempfile')
- if left(nextline,1)==':' then do
- parse var nextline 3 comment
- nextline=readln('tempfile')
- end
- else
- comment=''
- if upper(left(name,complen))==compstr then do
- name=substr(name,complen+1)
- if name~==''&pos('"',name)=0 then do
- if pos('/',name)>0 then do /* it's a dir */
- parse var name dirname '/'
- olddir=0
- do i=ndirs to 1 by -1
- if upper(dirname)==upper(dirname.i) then do
- olddir=1
- if ~show then do
- toptext winpath||name
- parse var infoline size . '% ' datestamp +18
- dirsize.i=dirsize.i+size
- seconds=convertdate(datestamp)
- if seconds>dirsecs.i then
- dirsecs.i=seconds
- end
- leave
- end
- end
- if show&~olddir then do /* a new dir */
- ndirs=ndirs+1
- dirname.ndirs=dirname
- addfile '"'dirname'" 0 1' now '"" ----RWED 0 0'
- end
- end
- else /* it's a file */
- if show then do
- parse var infoline size . '% ' datestamp +18 +1 atts .
- seconds=convertdate(datestamp)
- addfile '"'name'"' size '-1' seconds '"'comment'"' atts '0 0'
- end
- end
- end
- end
- call close('tempfile')
- if ~show then
- do i=1 to ndirs
- addfile '"'dirname.i'"' dirsize.i '1' dirsecs.i '"" ----RWED 0 0'
- selectfile '"'dirname.i'"'
- end
- displaydir
- return
- convertdate: /* convert a file's date stamp to seconds past 01-Jan-78 */
- parse arg day '-' month '-' year ' ' hours ':' minutes ':' seconds
- century=19+(year<78)
- month=pos(month,' JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec')/3
- month=right(month,2,'0')
- return seconds+minutes*60+hours*3600+date('i',century||year||month||day,'s')*86400
- patch: /* patch file names containing pattern matching tokens */
- parse arg patched
- pos=1
- do forever
- here=verify(substr(patched,pos),"#?|%()[]~'",'m')
- if here=0 then
- leave
- pos=pos+here+1
- patched=insert("'",patched,pos-3)
- end
- do forever
- here=verify(substr(patched,pos),'*@','m')
- if here=0 then
- leave
- pos=pos+here+1
- patched=insert("*",patched,pos-3)
- end
- return patched
- syntax:
- call quitit "Syntax Error" rc"," errortext(rc) "in line" sigl"."
- checkconfig:
- status 26
- okaystring=result
- status 27
- cancelstring=result
- query dirflags
- olddirflags=result
- if olddirflags<0 then /* bug in DOpus? */
- olddirflags=256+olddirflags
- if bittst(d2c(olddirflags),5) then do
- request "The config setting 'Re-read changed buffers'"lf"must be switched off. Shall I do this for you?"
- if ~result then do
- remember /* something to restore */
- call quitit "Error, config setting 'Re-read changed buffers' must be switched off."
- end
- modify dirflags olddirflags-32
- end
- remember /* remember user settings */
- busy on
- query updateflags
- follow=bittst(d2c(result),1) /* scroll window to follow operations? */
- modify updateflags 0 /* no progress indicator */
- query deleteflags
- askdelete=bittst(d2c(result),0) /* ask before deleting? */
- modify deleteflags 8 /* don't ask when deleting internal */
- modify iconflags 0 /* no icons please */
- return
- quitit:
- parse arg topline
- status 26 set okaystring /* restore okay and */
- status 27 set cancelstring /* cancel strings */
- restore /* restore user settings */
- if topline~=="" then
- toptext topline /* display final message */
- if pos("Error",topline)>0 then
- beep /* an error occurred */
- busy off /* busy mouse pointer off */
- exit /* stop script here */